Warner Board of Selectmen

Meeting Minutes

March 19, 2008


Meeting opened at 6:00 p.m.

In Attendance:   Selectman David E. Hartman - Chairman

Selectman Richard A. Cook

Selectman David Karrick

Laura Buono � Town Administrator

Absent:             None  

Others Present:

Martha Mical � Assessing Clerk                                                    William Chandler � Police Chief

David Ackerman � Police Officer                                                   Mary Whalen � BOS Secretary

Ed Mical � Emergency Management & Maintenance                       Barbara Annis � Planning Board

Paul Violette � Planning Board                                                     Richard Senor

Ron Wirth                                                                                  Jeanne E. Hand

Jim Hand                                                                                   Faith Minton  

1. Pick-Up Contract � Commerford Nieder Perkins

The Selectmen reviewed the pick-up contract via e-mail.  Martha Mical, Assessing Clerk, met with the Selectmen for any questions they may have regarding the contract.  There were no concerns stated by the Selectmen.  Selectman Cook made a motion to approve the contract with Commerford Nieder Perkins dated February 4, 2008 .  Selectman Karrick seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The motion passed.  Chairman Hartman noted the price difference:

  2007                             2008

Per Parcel          $31.00                          $34.00

Man Hour          $58.00                          $61.00

BLTA                 $70.00 per hour             $75.00 per hour  

2. Elderly Exemption

Selectman Cook made the motion to approve an Elderly Exemption for Map 29 Lot 13.  Selectman Karrick seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The motion passed.  

Martha Mical reviewed the qualifications:

  • Income no greater than $30K for single, $45K for married
  • Assets not including house and property it sits on � not more than $85K
  • Ages 65-74 - $50K off of assessed value
  • Ages 74-80 - $75K off of assessed value
  • Ages 80 and over - $100K off of assessed value

Martha explained that exemptions are reviewed on a yearly basis.   

3. Donation

Selectman Cook made a motion to approve a $50 donation on behalf of Ron Orbacz to the suggested organization from the family for his service to the Town of Warner .  Selectman Karrick seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The motion passed.  

4. Non Public Session � 6:11 p.m.

Selectman Cook made a motion to go into nonpublic session as allowed by RSA 91-A: 3 II (b) Hiring. Selectman Karrick seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Selectman Cook, Aye; Selectman Karrick, Aye; Chairman Hartman, Aye.  The motion passed.  

Police Chief William Chandler met with Selectmen to recommend hiring David Ackerman.  Mr. Ackerman is currently in field training.  Mr. Ackerman spoke to the Selectmen about his desire to work in Warner.  He has been an officer since 2004.  

Selectman Cook moved that the Board of Selectmen come out of Nonpublic Session at 6:18 p.m.   Selectman Karrick seconded the motion.  A roll call vote: Selectman Cook, Aye; Selectman Karrick, Aye; Chairman Hartman, Aye.  The motion passed unanimously.  

5. Ron Wirth � Article 26

Mr. Wirth received an unapproved version of the Town Meeting minutes regarding Article 26.  Mr. Wirth said there is a sentence missing which loses the intent and spirit of the article as he stated to the audience during Town Meeting.  Mr. Wirth is referring to the audio file being posted within 48 hours on the web-site, this was removed; he said that was not intended.  Ms. Buono said when the 48 hour posting was discussed, it was explained at Town Meeting that Town Meeting cannot dictate policy to the governing body.  Mr. Wirth said he realizes that the posting of the audio does not meet any RSA requirements but he does object to the removal of the audio from the article. Again, Mr. Wirth says the removal defeats the spirit of the article.  

Ms. Buono explained once the Selectmen review the policy for recording meetings, handling the audio version would come into play at that time.  Many questions need to be discussed before a policy is finalized.  Selectman Cook is concerned about the webmasters views toward placing an audio version on the website.  Selectman Cook said the Selectmen will make a decision most reasonable within the intended intent of Article 26.  

Ms. Buono will verify if there are any legal ramifications for placing an audio file on the website.   

In closing Mr. Wirth is satisfied that the Board of Selectmen will work towards putting an audio file on the website.  The Selectmen agreed to form a committee which will include Ron Wirth, Richard Cutting, Dan Watts and Mary Whalen.  The committee members will generate information for the Selectmen in order to create a policy.  

6. Chairman, Planning Board Representative and Budget Committee Representative

The Board members discussed what the commitments are for each Board; all members are willing to serve in any of the required capacities.  Selectman Karrick first asked Ms. Buono if it is necessary for a Chairman to be available during the day.  Ms. Buono does not see it necessary for a Chairman to be available during the day; it�s not uncommon to have a whole Board that works during the day.  Selectman Karrick made the motion to nominate Selectman Cook as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen.  Selectman Hartman seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The motion passed.  Selectman Cook thanked Selectman Hartman for his tenure as Chairman.   

Chairman Cook called for a motion for a Select Board representative to the Planning Board.  Selectman Hartman expressed his interest.  Selectman Karrick made a motion to nominate Selectman Hartman as the Selectmen�s representative to the Planning Board.  Chairman Cook seconded the motion, and would like to see more input from the representative on the Board�s views as well as reports to the Selectmen with some input about the other Planning Board members on how they view the issues before them.  All were in favor.  The motion passed.  

Selectman Karrick expressed his interest in being the representative to the Budget Committee.  Selectman Hartman made a motion to nominate Selectman Karrick as the Board�s representative to the Budget Committee.  Chairman Cook seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The motion passed.  

7. Audit Report

The Town received a management letter from the auditors indicating areas of concern, as well as a report on the internal controls.  Under the management letter was:

         Insurance for cash deposit � the auditor explained that Federal Depository Insurance is provided for the first $100K of cash deposits in each bank and type of bank account.  As of December 31, 2006 it was noted that $2,422,081 was not covered by Federal Depository Insurance or collateralization.  At this time Ms. Buono discussed this with the Treasurer as well as with the manager at Sugar River Savings Bank.  Because the Town keeps a large balance in one bank, in order to be covered by the Federal Insurance a collateralization agreement must be signed with the bank.  Selectman Karrick recommends looking at other alternatives or looking into other investment possibilities.  

Jeanne Hand said it�s how the account is registered, if you have more than one account there would be a federal ID for each account.  Ms. Buono explained the Town currently has one federal ID, and legal would need to be consulted regarding more than one federal ID.   

         Next observation was at the 2006 annual Town Meeting the Town voted to transfer $280K to various capital reserve funds, the authorized transfers were not made until January 2007.  Ms. Buono explained that transfer of funds takes place after Town Meeting.  In 2006 during the transition of the finance office the transfer was not done in a timely manner. When the bookkeeper was hired the funds were transferred. 

         It was noted that the amount dispersed for forest fire services amounting to $450 was issued to the Chief Fire Warden who in turn deposited the funds in his personal account who then distributed monies to the individuals who assisted in the various fire calls.  Prior to receiving the management letter the finance office took over the forest fire payroll through the regular payroll system.

         There was no documentation supporting the disbursement of Conservation funds.  The management letter has been forwarded to the Treasurer.

         It was noted that the Town was not issuing a 1099G form for any tax abatements; this has been rectified and the form will be issued at the end of the year.

         Accounts Payable - an observation was noted that after year end the Town issued various checks and back dated them December 31, 2006 , this was done in order to charge various expenditures against the 2006 adopted budget.  Ms. Buono explained the Town�s books remain open until January 10 in order to finish paying expenses from the prior year.  The auditor requires the checks dated on the actual cut and they will complete the charge back.

         The auditor noted that financial back-up is not stored off site.  Ms. Buono explained that at the end of 2007 she purchased two new servers that will resolve this issue.  One server will be located at the Police Department and the other in Ms. Buono�s office, the servers will be configured to back each other up.

         The auditor noted a trust fund account in the amount of $9K which they were not aware of.  Ms. Buono explained the account was an inactive account for the downstairs floor which was closed in 2007 and deposited in the general fund but in 2006 it was current.  The account was overlooked because it was closed and stored away with closed accounts.

Selectman Karrick noted for the first item discussed regarding the insurance for cash deposits.  The organization that invests for a number of Towns within the state is called New Hampshire Public Deposit Investment Pool.  

Selectman Hartman reiterated what is unresolved at this time:

  • Insurance for cash deposits
  • Computer back-up is in-process


Internal Control

Ms. Buono explained there were three items that were addressed, the first is cash reconciliation.  The auditor stated that the cash and investment balance for the Town�s general ledger did not reflect the balance at year end for the Treasurer.  As of December 31, 2006 the cash balance from the general ledger differed from the Treasurer figures by approximately $758K.  Ms. Buono explained that was an over statement, the office worked with the auditors and the Treasurer.  The beginning balance from the Treasurer was used as the accurate balance because it could not be figured where the beginning balance on the computer tied into, at that time a figure could be placed manually.  The new software does not allow manual entries, the balance rolls over from year to year.  Based on the audit from 2005 the office went back to that beginning balance with the auditors and the Treasurer.  The auditors also recommended that the Treasurer ensures the monthly bank reconciliations are complete.  Since receiving the report from the auditor Ms. Buono, the Bookkeeper and the Treasurer have met and worked out some details with the Treasurer that would help her without violating any internal controls.   

The auditors noted that the Board of Selectmen was not officially approving cash disbursements for the Town.   This has been resolved by approving the manifest.  

Lastly the auditor noted that monies are received for paper copies that are not being deposited in the Town�s cash account; instead the money was used to purchase items.  Ms. Buono explained that the money received for copies was being deposited but an amount was kept for petty cash.  Resolution is to set up a separate petty cash fund.  Selectman Karrick confirmed that receipts would be needed in order to reimburse the petty cash.   

8. Faith Minton � Community Bulletin Board

Faith Minton met with the Board on behalf of Warner Connects which is a small community organization that is interested in revitalizing the community bulletin board that is located between Kearsarge Insurance and Colby Realty.  Warner Connects applied and received funds from the Warner Fall Foliage Festival.  Ms. Minton wanted to check with the Selectmen before making any changes.  One proposed change is moving the board closer to the sidewalk without obstructing any view from the current signage or the sidewalk plow.  Selectman Karrick asked if Warner Connects would like to take over maintaining the bulletin board.  Ms. Minton said the Warner Connects is very interested in doing so.   Chairman Cook recommended first speaking with the property owner; Ms. Minton has, and the owner indicated that he will continue to allow the bulletin board on his property.  Chairman Cook asked Ms. Minton to come back to the Board when a plan is generated.  The Board agreed that Warner Connects should take on the responsibility of the bulletin board.  Ms. Minton asked if there were regulations the group should be aware of, Selectman Hartman said the only regulation is the �Sign Permit�.   

9. Marianne Howlett � Tax Collector � Lien Research Contract

The contract indicates a $13 cost for each parcel that is researched, this cost has not increased within the last three or so years.  Selectman Hartman made the motion to approve the contract with Goulet Computer Consultants to be used for tax lien research for 2008.  Selectman Karrick seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The motion passed.  

10. Ed Mical � Emergency Management

Mr. Mical presented a contract between the Town of Warner and Central NH Regional Planning Commission.  The contract is for updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan.  This will be a joint process, the Town will be responsible for completing some of the items and CNHRPC will work on other items, the plan needs to be completed by the end of September 2008 in order to comply with a 50/50 grant that has been applied for.  The amount of the contract with CNHRPC is $8,400.  Mr. Mical�s budget supports this cost.  Mr. Mical asked for the Selectmen�s support once the process begins which will be in April 2008, other supporting entities include Police, Fire, Health, Planning, Business Association, College as well as the school district, Ms. Buono asked to be involved also.  Selectman Hartman made a motion to approve the proposal to update the Hazard Mitigation Plan through the contract with Central NH Regional Planning Commission in the amount of $8,400.  Selectman Karrick seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The motion passed.  Selectman Karrick will serve as the Selectmen�s representative.  

Emergency Field Representative Nancy St. Laurent contacted Mr. Mical about Emergency Management Director Chris Pope who has created a task force that will be visiting communities to talk about flooding; he will be visiting Warner on Friday March 28 at 12:30 p.m.   Selectman Hartman added that he had contacted Jim Gallagher who is Chief of the State Dam Bureau.  Mr. Gallagher will be visiting the failed bridge at Connors Mill, he is curious about the Black Water Dam flood control.   Selectman Hartman contacted Mr. Gallagher because it was stated that no damage was cause by the operation or failure of operation of any dam, Selectman Hartman feels the Connors Mill Bridge could be the exception.  Mr. Gallagher will meet at the Town Hall at 1:00 p.m. April 1.  Getting back to the March 28th meeting, a Selectman�s rep., Police, Fire, Highway and Emergency Management are being asked to attend.   

11. Ed Mical � Building Maintenance

Mr. Mical explained the electrical upgrades for the stage and control booth are underway.  The upgrades were funded by the Fall Foliage Festival, Nancy Sibley Wilkins and the Men�s Club.  Mr. Mical recommends adding to the Town Hall rental agreement a deposit requirement and specific training to use the new equipment.  Mr. Mical will coordinate with the Selectmen�s secretary.    

12.  Procedure for Appointing Town Officers

The Selectmen first wish to receive recommendations for expired terms from the various chairs.  After which meetings will be arranged for those who have submitted volunteer interest forms.   The Selectmen also wish to advertise the vacancy for the Trustee of the Trust Funds; currently there is one interested volunteer.  The Selectmen asked Ms. Buono to research if it is required to appoint the Director of Public Works every three years.  

Tax Collector, Marianne Howlett asked the Board to re-appoint Janice Cutting as Deputy Town Clerk.  The Selectmen will address this request on April 8.  

13. April 1 Selectmen�s Meeting � Canceled

April 1 has been rescheduled for April 8th  

14. Sign Permit � Harold French

The Board had previously asked if the sign Mr. French proposes indicates an in home business.  Ms. Buono reported the definition of a Home Occupation is a business conducted entirely within the dwelling. Mr. French does not meet this requirement.  Selectman Cook asked if there is a regulation not allowing a sign if there is no home business, Ms. Buono said no.    

15. Manifest

Selectman Hartman made a motion to authorize the Selectmen to sign the manifest and order the Treasurer to sign payroll checks numbered 41140-41189 dated 03/10/08 in the amount of $47,044.57 and accounts payable checks numbered 41190-41246 dated 03/18/08 in the amount of $246,272.32.  Selectman Karrick seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The motion passed.  

16. Richard Senor � Recycle Committee

Mr. Senor presented documentation to Ms. Buono during the Selectmen�s meeting regarding the Zero Waste Pledge.  Chairman Cook after quickly reading the document stated to Mr. Senor that the Recycle Committee has no authority to act without first receiving the Selectmen�s approval.  Presenting a pledge to the Governor�s office is something the Recycling Committee would need to come before the Selectmen with.  Mr. Senor said that he is going to present the pledge to the Governor himself.  Chairman Cook said the letter he wrote does not state that.  Mr. Senor said he is asking the Board to sign the letter and he will bring the letter to the Governor himself.   Chairman Cook said again, that is not what the letter states.  Mr. Senor reiterated by saying he is asking on behalf of the Recycling Committee that the Selectmen sign the pledge, the Governor has nothing to do with the Board, and Mr. Senor said he is going to the Governor personally and he will tell the Governor that he is the Chairman of the Recycling Committee.  Mr. Senor said he is not representing the Town.   Chairman Cook disagrees; Mr. Senor is representing the Town if he is going as the Recycling Committee Chair.  Mr. Senor said the Governor is going to ask him his background and when he does Mr. Senor will say he is the Chairman of the Recycling Committee.  Mr. Senor said he has been studying the zero waste information regarding the pledge for over a month, other States are doing it.  Mr. Senor said he is going as a resident to the Governor.   

After the manifest motion Mr. Senor said that Chairman Cook was correct, the Warner Recycling Committee will rescind the pledge and since Chairman Cook has a fear against the pledge�. Chairman Cook interjected by saying he does not have a fear, he is merely pointing out that the committee does not have the authority to act without the Selectmen authority and Mr. Senor has had the propensity to do that.  Mr. Senor said that he would present the pledge as a resident.   

Selectman Hartman made a motion to table the presented zero waste pledge until the Board has further explored the pledge.  Selectman Karrick seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The motion passed.  

17. Motion to Hire

Selectman Hartman made the motion to hire David Ackerman Jr. as a full time Police Officer with the Warner Police Department, starting compensation in the amount of $18.53 per hour.  Selectman Karrick seconded the motion.  Mr. Hand asked if the hourly figure includes benefits, if that is not the case, should the Selectmen consider adding the benefit amount with the hourly figure to tell the whole story.  Selectman Hartman explained that the individual hired is for a one-year probationary period, health insurance is provided  negotiated by the Town of Warner with an annual deductible, life insurance is one-year salary, short term disability, and vacation time. All were in favor of the motion.  The motion passed.   

18. Meeting Minutes

Selectman Hartman made the motion to approve meeting minutes dated March 4, 2008 .  Chairman Cook seconded the motion.  The motion passed.  Selectman Karrick abstained.  

19. General Comments

Jeanne Hand asked if there are plans to pave Connors Mill Road .  Chairman Cook said there will be paving for a short distance on either side of the bridge.  Ms. Hand asked for clarification on the funding for the bridge and the type of structure that is being proposed.   

Barbara Annis said she was one of the presenters at Awareness Day; the subject was youth and politics.  Ms. Annis indicated that some students may show interest toward some of the committees.  Ms. Annis learned for appointed committees the age limit is 18, younger may be appointed to an advisory capacity.   Paul Violette reported the Master Plan Committee is working with CNHRPC to apply for a grant regarding housing and conservation.  Part of the grant is obtaining support from the Selectmen; Mr. Violette will submit a letter to the Town Administrator for the Selectmen to review and sign.  Mr. Violette explained the Town�s portion for the grant is $2,500 and the Conservation Commission indicated that they could contribute half of the cost.  

Mr. Hand commented about Article 23 (Fair Tax Coalition) and feels it was wrong for the Town to consider the article at Town Meeting.  Mr. Hand feels the article is more of a State agenda.   Selectman Hartman explained the Selectmen felt it was a topic that could be reasonably discussed at Town Meeting, the Article is not a binding commitment, and it�s a statement of opinion.   

Marianne Howlett asked the Selectmen when they had discussed the Zero Waste Resolution.  Chairman Cook said the Board has not yet discussed the issue; Mr. Senor presented the information this evening.  

Chairman Cook noted that the spruce tree in front of the Town Hall has been removed.  The Business Association will be donating a replacement tree.  The type of tree has yet to be determined.   

Motion to adjourn 8:40 p.m.


Board of Selectmen  

Richard A. Cook � Chairman
David E. Hartman
David Karrick


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Whalen

Recorder of the minutes